International Journal of Innovative Studies in Sociology and Humanities

ISSN : 2456-4931

Volume-2 Issue-7

Witchcraft, Totemism, Religion and the Question of Gender amongst the Bodo Community of Assam

Dina Swargiari

Weekly Market and Rural Marketing: An Overview

Dr. Sarwade W.K., Mr Sarwade Chetan W.

Orient and Occident: Differences in the Physical versus Confluences in the Spiritual

Andrés Montaner Bueno

Book Review ‘Career in Engineering’ (Malay Version)

Dr. Uqbah Iqbal

Curbing Corruption and Immorality in Nigeria Educational System: A Historical Paradigm

Salahu Mohammed Lawal, and Hajiya, Hannatu Kaka Ali

Gold and Diamond-Bearing Astropipes of Mongolia (Neologism and New Scientific Discovery)

D. Dorjnamjaa